Yoisushi 由衣的倉庫


[筆記/Leetcode in Python] 1, 7, 9

July 18, 2019 | 2 Minute Read | Tags : Leetcode

LeetCode in Python 1. Two Sum


class Solution:
	def twoSum(self, nums, target):
		for i in nums:
			j = target - i
			start_index = nums.index(i)
			next_index = start_index + 1
			temp_nums = nums[next_index: ]
			if j in temp_nums:
				return(nums.index(i), next_index + temp_nums.index(j))


class Solution:
	def twoSum(self, nums, target):
	dict = {}
	for i in range(len(nums)):
		if target - nums[i] not in dict:
			dict[nums[i]] = i
			return [dict[target-nums[i]], i]

LeetCode in Python 7. Reverse Integer

  • Note:
    1. 拿掉註解可以跑比較快。
    2. a//10int(a/10) 快。
class Solution:
	def reverse(self, x):
		num = 0
		a = abs(x) #取絕對值
		while(a != 0):
			temp = a % 10
			num = num * 10 + temp
			a = a // 10
		if x > 0 and num < 2147483647:
			return num
		elif x < 0 and num <= 2147483647:
			return -num
			return 0

LeetCode in Python 9. Palindrome Number

class Solution:
	def isPalindrom(self, x):
		num = 0
		a = abs(x)
		while(a != 0):
			temp = a % 10
			num = num * 10 + temp
			a = a // 10
		if x >= 0 and x == num:
			return True
			return False